
Your experience, expertise and leadership skills have you gotten you to this point in your career.  To remain successful, and to go even further, you’ll need to stay sharp.  CUES can help you improve in your current role—and if you really want it, prepare you for the CEO chair.

Harvard ManageMentor

An online resource program with 41 courses addressing critical management issues. | Unlimited/Unlimited+ Benefit

DEI Resource Center

A collection of resources on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Digital Learning

Easily access our online events, content and resources.


This online networking tool is dedicated to helping you easily connect and share with other CUES members. Plus, you can join communities, access our documents library, discover tips to help you make the most of your membership—and so much more. Think of it as your CUES Membership hub—access to everything CUES, right at your fingertips.

Save time and keep your organization up-to-date! Easily access and download credit union policy and procedure documents shared by fellow members, and contribute your own for others to use. You’ll find Members Share conveniently located in CUESNet. Members–access through your myCUES Dashboard.

CUES Learning Portal

CUES Learning Portal offers a great way to stay current with your professional development goals. We’ve gathered and cultivated Learning Journeys just for our members, where you’ll find an umbrella of courses focused on one business topic. Members can also access our exclusive Harvard ManageMentor collection, courses in CUES Director Education Center, and CUES Governance+ content. Members–access CUES Learning Portal through your myCUES Dashboard.

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Harvard ManageMentor®

Making a presentation, creating a budget, negotiating a contract—you face challenges like these every day. CUES has partnered with Harvard ManageMentor®, an online resource program which includes 41 topics addressing these critical management issues and more. Each online topic includes the practical advice and tools you need to succeed. Members–access through your myCUES Dashboard.

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CUES Councils

Attend at the special member price and learn directly from industry experts while connecting with peers at these in-person regional networking events.

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CUES Executive Compensation Survey*

Keep tabs on compensation trends while engaging with valuable tools and data to help you attract and retain qualified professionals. Benchmark your organization against others based on asset size, region, membership size and more.

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CUES Employee Salary Survey*

Use CUES data and tools to benchmark salaries for non executive positions. Choose your peer group based on asset size, region, membership size, and more.

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*Surveys not applicable to Canadian Credit Union

CUES Consulting

CUES Consulting strengthens your leadership pipeline by providing direction and focus to support your staff’s growth. Identify and develop current and emerging leaders and high performers within your credit union.

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CUES eVote

Whether you are planning a board election, merger or bylaw vote, or a membership survey, CUES eVote is the smart, safe and affordable way to go. This easy-to-use and highly secure solution offers online, phone, and paper balloting. Voting services include hybrid elections, customization, a state-of the-art platform, voting confirmation certificates, and more.

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CUES Online University

CUES Online University offers compliance and front line training—including fraud prevention—at a very low cost. Whether you want straight off-the-shelf training or something customized just for you, CUES Online University is key to saving time and money by providing convenient and consistent training to improve your credit union’s performance.

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10 minutes
Mar 05, 2025

Dedicated to Helping Others

5 minutes
Feb 27, 2025

Stepping Aside to Move Forward

by Pixie Gray